František Hrubín Memorial Hall

Lešany 23, 257 44 Lešany

An exposition on the life and work of the writer and poet František Hrubín (1910-1971), who spent his childhood in Lešany. He was so inspired by the local region that you can find him in his prose - the reminiscent prose poems "At the Table", "A Sip of Life" and the novella "The Golden Rennet", as well as in his poetic works "Romance for a Winged Woman", "Lešanské Jesličky", the cycle "Rezekvítek", etc.

Romance for a winged girl, Lešanské Jesličky, Zlatá reneta - this is just a small list of balladic stories by František Hrubín (1919-1971), which he set in the landscape around the Sázava River, where he spent his youth. Netvořice, Běsná, Obory, Chleby, Pěnkavský jez... And especially Lešany, where a new memorial hall in the municipal office, in the right wing of the former castle estate, commemorates this important inhabitant.

The memorial hall is entered by a sign in the shape of a large cardboard book with the text of Hrubín's manuscript of Lešany Cribs. The main hall is flanked by spatial modules - "crystals" with a cross-section of František Hrubín's work. On the left side there are excerpts from his works for children accompanied by illustrations by Josef Čapek, Josef Lada, Adolf Zábranský, Zdeněk Miler, Matěj Forman, Lucie Lomová or Kamil Lhoták. The right side chronologically accompanies Hrubin's work for adults. The front of the hall recalls the poet's childhood in Lešany. A distinctive element of this part of the exhibition is a wooden table with photographs and documents from the family archive and a commemorative book called At the Table. The path through the exhibition "wraps" around a semicircle on the floor made of sand, pebbles and boulders, which, together with the large-scale photograph on the wall, evokes the romantic canyon of the Sázava River. Around this "peninsula" one then enters the next room, where one can watch an audiovisual compilation about František Hrubín, excerpts from films or listen to readings. This part of the exhibition is reminiscent of Hrubin's work translated onto the screen and theatre boards.


Lešany 23, 257 44 Lešany
GPS: 49,84287134°N 14,52682156°E